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Bread of the World, Bread of Heaven

(Communion anthem)
Marchand, Todd - Con Spirito Music

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Bread of the World, Bread of Heaven

(Communion anthem)
Marchand, Todd - Con Spirito Music
Publisher Desc.  "Bread of the World, Bread of Heaven" combines texts on the eucharist, or holy communion, by the Anglican bishop Reginald Heber (1783-1826) and the English Congregationalist author, editor, and hymn-writer Josiah Conder (1789-1855). The first stanza of Heber's "Bread of the world in mercy broken" focuses on the forgiveness of sin and sinners by Christ's grace as they gather at the Lord's table, while Conder's "Bread of heav'n, on thee we feed" emphasizes the restoration to health and wholeness of those who eat and drink of Christ's Body and Blood. Both texts refer to the sacramental bread and wine as the gifts by which "our souls are fed." In this original setting for SAB choir and organ, Heber's text is set to a chant-like tune for unison SA voices in D minor, which transitions to a chorale-like setting of Conder's text for full SAB in D major.
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