An Approach to Comping, Vol. 1 (The Essentials)
(A Guide to Jazz Accompanying)
Jeb Patton - Sher Music Company

An Approach to Comping, Vol. 1 (The Essentials)
This book with two CDs focuses on how pianists play (or comp) behind jazz soloists. It's a step-by-step guide to basic comping of rhythms, voicings, and progressions as played by the masters. Numerous transcriptions from jazz masters (including Horace Silver, Barry Harris, Bud Powell, Tadd Dameron and more) are used to dig deeply into how jazz pianists help make the rhythm section swing and provide a background for soloists. More than 80 comping exercises help pianists secure the concepts while the two CDs contain demonstrations and play-along tracks. A "must-have" for jazz pianists!
Petaluma, CA:
Sher Music Company
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