Hymns of Praise
Designed for maximum flexibility, Hymns of Praise can be used for a solo instrument with piano or CD accompaniment or for any ensemble in any combination of instruments from duets to full orchestra. With the exception of the Percussion book, each book contains a solo and an ensemble part for each of the ten hymns. Accessible for players from the eighth grade and above, the hymns are also arranged in good lengths for preludes, offertories, and featured performances in any church or school setting. This exceptionally flexible collection is one that you will reach for over and over again for years to come. Titles include: Crown Him with Many Crowns (DIADEMATA); Morning Has Broken (BUNESSAN); Go, Tell It on the Mountain (GO TELL IT); Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service (BEACH SPRING); Lift Up Your Heads, O Mighty Gates (TRURO); Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (HYMN TO JOY); The Church's One Foundation (AURELIA); Now the Green Blade Rises (NOEL NOUVELET/FRENCH CAROL); Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (HYFRYDOL) and Let All Things Now Living (ASH GROVE).