It's Time to Play a Band Instrument
(Flute Book 1 - 2nd Edition)
Smith, Dr. Michael Francis - Dr. Michael Francis Smith
It's Time to Play a Band Instrument
Publisher Desc.
IT'S TIME TO PLAY (2nd edition) builds on the strong foundation of the Elementary General Music classroom while featuring a collection of fifty songs from around the world. The curriculum moves effortlessly between singing songs with lyrics, solfege and note names and then playing them on instruments! Versatile and adaptable, this method can be used alongside or in place of a traditional first-year method book. Reproducible PDF copies of all 26 books (book 1&2) can be purchased for $180.00. Discover the future of music education with IT'S TIME TO PLAY - Connecting the first year of Band with General Music, the School Community and the World! It's time for a whole new generation of students to play a band instrument! Learn more by watching this video -
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