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Showing Off Before Company

(A Humoresque)
John Philip Sousa /arr. Kevin Tam - Kevin Tam

Showing Off Before Company

(A Humoresque)
John Philip Sousa /arr. Kevin Tam - Kevin Tam
Publisher Desc.  In 1919, Jazz was coming into its own. Sousa was a man who easily recognized the changing trends in music and quickly capitalized on the increased popularity of this new genre. Cautious about endorsing it however, he composed perhaps his most epic humoresque "Showing Off Before Company" featuring band members 'showing off' in the jazz style either individually or in groups. Of Jazz he said, what was good was good, what was bad, was bad, and most of it "made you want to bite your grandmother". In 1919, Sousa's debuted what for many represents his most unique and sensational humoresque, "Showing Off Before Company", a reconstituted form first explored in 1895 with "The Band Came Back" whereas the work would open the second half of the program with all players 'back of scenes' and section by section, players would enter alone or in groups playing a solo or selection that highlighted the players talents or the unique features of the instrument until at last the entire band is on stage and performing, uniquely minus the conductor, who finally joins the stage for the finale some 20 minutes later!
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