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Elementary General Music ››  Elementary Express Musicals (19)

Elementary Express Musicals

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Kid Flix
(Music from the Movies Kids Love)
John Higgins & Tom Anderson/ed. Janet Day
Rock Around the '50s
arr. Roger Emerson & John Jacobson
Disney: The Movies - The Music
(Celebrating 75 Years of Disney Magic)
John Jacobson, John Higgins, Tom Anderson & Janet Day
Best Self! Best Work! Best World!
John Jacobson & Mac Huff
Let's Jam! It's Our Band
Roger Emerson
Making the Band
Roger Emerson & John Jacobson
Lights! Camera! Christmas!
John Jacobson & Roger Emerson
Broadway Beat
(Musical Highlights from over a Century of Song and Dance)
John Higgins, Cristi Cary Miller, Tom Anderson & John Jacobson
Basic Library Icon
The Bear Went over the Mountain
John Jacobson & John Higgins
My Marvelous Magical Sleigh
John Jacobson, Roger Emerson, John Higgins & Mac Huff
Rock and Roll Forever
John Jacobson & John Higgins
Basic Library Icon
Gotta Be Jazz
John Jacobson & John Higgins
Home for the Holidays
John Jacobson & friends
Lights! Camera! Action!
John Jacobson & John Higgins
I Have a Dream
John Jacobson, Rollo Dilworth, Moses Hogan & Emily Crocker
On the Radio
John Jacobson & John Higgins
Let's Sing, America!
John Jacobson, Moses Hogan, Emily Crocker, Audrey Snyder, Cristi Miller, Mac Huff & Tom Anderson
Destination America
John Jacobson & Roger Emerson
Get America Singing!
John Jacobson