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Church Music ››  Organ Hymn Reharmonizations (74)

Organ Hymn Reharmonizations

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Guide Me
(Hymn Arrangements for Organ and Piano)
arr. Becki Slagle Mayo
Introduction, Accompaniments, and Variations on Three Hymns of Praise
undefined /arr. Wayne Earnest
Proclaim! Time of the Church, Series B, Vol. 1
(Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day)
Various Composers
Proclaim! Time of the Church, One-Year Series, Vol. 2
(Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day)
Various Composers
Hymns Complete, Set 3
arr. John A. Behnke
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Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
(Festival Hymn Setting for Organ with or without Trumpet)
arr. Jacob B. Weber
Festive Intonations, Set 2
(Short Hymn Introductions in 30 Seconds or Less)
arr. Paul Soulek
Come Now with Praises
(Introductions and Final Stanzas)
arr. Lee J. Afdahl
Hymn Embellishments
( )
arr. William Matthis
Hymns of Praise Then Let Us Sing, Volume 1
(Seasonal Hymn Accompaniments for Organ with Minimal Pedal)
Lynn Trapp
Pull Out the Stops, Vol. 3
Various Composers
Sing Thy Grace
(Hymn Introductions, Interludes, and Harmonizations for Organ)
arr. W. Patrick Alston
Inviting Them to Sing: Sixty Hymn Introductions and How to Prepare Your Own
arr. Paul J. Grime
Introductions, Harmonizations, Accompaniments, Interpretations - Vol. 10
arr. Jeffrey Blersch
Proclaim! Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day
(One-Year Series, Vol. 1)
Various Composers
Proclaim! Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day
(Series A, Vol. 1)
Various Composers
30 Reharmonizations for Organ
arr. Andre Lash
Hymns of Praise: Then Let Us Sing, Volume 2
(Seasonal Hymn Accompaniments for Organ with Minimal Pedal)
arr. Lynn Trapp
Ten Praise Flourishes for Organ
Meirion Wynn Jones
Awake and Sing
(Hymn Introductions and Accompaniments)
arr. Eric Wall
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Proclaim! Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day
Various Composers
Festive Intonations
(Short Hymn Introductions in 30 Seconds or Less)
arr. Paul Soulek
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Proclaim! Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day
(Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Holy Trinity)
Various Composers
Will You Come and Follow Me
(Introductions and Reharmonizations on 10 Contemporary Hymns)
arr. David Schwoebel
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19 Introductions and Reharmonizations for Organ
arr. Clay Christiansen
Eight Hymn Introductions
Mark Sedio
Hymn Introductions and Alternate Harmonizations, Vol. 22
(from "Hymn Introductions And Alternate Harmonizations, Vol. 2")
John E. Wigal
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Hymn Descants, Set 3
Benjamin M. Culli
Hymns Complete
arr. John A. Behnke
Rejoice! 25 Hymn Introductions for Organ
arr. Jacob B. Weber
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Proclaim! Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day
(Epiphany - Vol. 2)
Various Composers
Proclaim! Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day
(Epiphany - Vol. 1)
Various Composers
Earth and All Stars
David Johnson/arr. Tom Trenney
Festive Hymn Tune Harmonizations
arr. Jason Payne
Introductions, Harmonizations, Accompaniments, Interpretations, Vol. 8
arr. Jeffrey Blersch
Proclaim! Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day
Various Composers
Proclaim! Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day
Various Composers
Twenty-Five Inventive Harmonizations on Familiar Hymns
arr. Jonathan Kohrs
10 Hymn Accompaniments for Trumpet and Organ
Roy Guenther
The Festival Hymn Collection
(Volume 3)
Samuel Metzger
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Introductions, Harmonizations, Accompaniments, Interpretations, Vol. 7
arr. Jeffrey Blersch
Introductions Interludes, and Codas on Traditional Hymn Tunes, Set 4
(Church Year, Sacraments)
Donald Rotermund
Twenty Five Organ Accompaniments for Unison Hymn Singing
Robert J. Powell
The First Noel
Karen Keene
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55 Hymn Harmonizations for Organ
ed. Jane Holstein
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New Liturgical Year
(Volumes 1 & 2)
ed. John Ferguson
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50 Alternate Hymn Harmonizations For Organ
Clay Christiansen
Hymn Harmonizations, Set 5
(Twenty Festive Hymn Introductions for Organ)
Edmund Shay
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