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Secondary General Music ››  Secondary General Music Resources (89)

Secondary General Music Resources

Accompaniments & Recordings

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Electronic Music School
(A Contemporary Approach to Teaching Musical Creativity)
Will Kuhn & Ethan Hein
Teaching Beyond the Music
(Tools for Addressing Societal Challenges Through the Arts)
Jason Max Ferdinand
A Music Pedagogy for Our Time
(Conversation and Critique)
Frank Abrahams
Social Emotional Learning for the Pre-Service and In-Service Music Teacher
(A Guide for Developing Teacher SEL Competencies)
Michelle S. McConkey & Scott N. Edgar
Realizing Diversity
(An Equity Framework for Music Education)
Karen Howard
Integrating STEM with Music
(Units, Lessons, Adaptations for K-12)
Shawna Longo & Zachary Gates
Composing with Constraints
(100 Practical Exercises in Music Composition)
Jorge Variego
The Music Technology Cookbook
(Ready-Made Recipes for the Classroom)
Adam Patrick Bell
Honoring Trans and Gender-Expansive Students in Music Education
Matthew L. Garrett & Joshua Palkki
The Mindful Music Classroom
(Practical Strategies for Social-Emotional Learning)
Krista Hart
Editors Choice Icon
The Music Teacher's Guide to Engaging English Language Learners
Angela Ammerman
(Mindset, Mindfulness, and Leadership in Music Education and Beyond)
Matthew Arau
High Needs, Monumental Successes
(Teaching Music to Low-Income and Underserved Students)
Donald Stinson
The Musician's Empathy
(Becoming Another)
James Jordan & Jason Max Ferdinand
A Place in the Staff
(Finding Your Way as a Music Teacher)
Jen Rafferty
Portraits of Music Education and Social Emotional Learning
Scott N. Edgar
Full STEAM Ahead
(Lessons to Shift Instruction, Empower Students, and Transform Your Music Classroom)
Kathryn Finch & Abigail Blair
Editors Choice Icon
A Music Teacher's Gratitude Journal
(Creative Prompts to Nurture Joy, Reduce Stress, and Reflect on Your Teaching)
Krista Hart
Music, Song, Dance, and Theater
(Broadway meets Social Justice Youth Community Practice)
Melvin Delgado
Music & Social Justice
(A Guide for Elementary Educators)
Cathy Benedict
The Pepper Effect
(Tap into the Magic of Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation)
Sean Gaillard
Pass the Baton
(Empowering All Music Students)
Kathryn Finch & Theresa Hoover
Social-Emotional Learning Bundle
Scott N. Edgar
Teaching with Heart
(Tools for Addressing Societal Challenges through Music)
Jason Max Ferdinand