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Alesis Adat

(Evolution of a Revolution)
PETERSEN, G - Course Technology
Alesis Adat book cover

Alesis Adat

(Evolution of a Revolution)
PETERSEN, G - Course Technology
Publisher Desc.  Thousands of Alesis ADAT 8-track recording modules have been sold worldwide since this model first revolutionized the recording industry in 1991. Discover the rich history of the development of this exciting recording format, complete with interviews with the originators of the recording machine format that rocked an industry. Plus, Petersen takes the information from his bestseller Modular Digital Multitracks and expounds on the many features and surprises of this amazing technology. This easy to understand power user's guide shows how to get the most from your talent and time working with the MDM recorder that caused the biggest boom in personal recording since the invention of the multitrack recording. 220 pages, 8 1/2 inch. x 11 inch. 206 p.
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