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Wonderful Joy

Jonathan Crumpton & Luke Gambill - Brentwood-Benson Publishing
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Wonderful Joy

Jonathan Crumpton & Luke Gambill - Brentwood-Benson Publishing
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Take one worship-centric youth choir, add a youth praise band, mash them together with the right songs, fresh new sounds, suggested worship leader dialogue, and you're ready to experience the "Wonderful Joy" of the Christmas story like never before! Nothing captures the energy and intensity inherent in any belief or cause like the passion of youth; combine that passion with the fervor of young believers singing music that captures their hearts, then get ready to take the leap and plunge your church into a season of worship as your youth choir presents Wonderful Joy: A Praise and Worship Youth Musical for Christmas! Featuring Christmas favorites along with new modern worship songs, this 40-minute seasonal musical for youth is perfect for both large and small SAT(B) youth choirs whether using a live praise band or the digitally recorded accompaniment tracks.

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