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Concert Band Sheet Music ››  Patriotic Choir with Concert Band Music (8)

Patriotic Choir with Concert Band Music

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An American Spectacular Concert Band sheet music cover An American Spectacular Concert Band sheet music cover
An American Spectacular An American Spectacular (A Musical History of the United States)
arr. Chris Sharp - FJH Music Company Inc
Editors Choice Selection
Treat your audience to an incredible salute to America that provides a thorough musical history of the United States. Featuring a multitude of well-known tunes, the medley's timeline begins when our country... view details
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Each Time You Tell Their Story Concert Band sheet music cover Each Time You Tell Their Story Concert Band sheet music cover
Each Time You Tell Their Story Each Time You Tell Their Story
Samuel Hazo - FJH Music Company Inc

"No soldiers choose to die. It's what they risk being who and where they are. It's what they dare while saving someone else whose life means suddenly as much to them as theirs. Or more. To honor them, why... view details
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Proudly We Hail Concert Band sheet music cover Proudly We Hail Concert Band sheet music cover
Proudly We Hail Proudly We Hail (A Setting of our National Anthem)
arr. Brian Balmages - FJH Music Company Inc
Editors Choice Selection
This fine setting of the Star Spangled Banner offers a reflective quality that truly stands apart! Opening with solo snare drum and muted trumpets, a lush brass chorale and soft woodwind feature follow... view details
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