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Amalia Concert Band sheet music cover Amalia Concert Band sheet music cover
Amalia Amalia
Nicholas Maluf - Nicholas Maluf

This piece was written in memory of my grandmother who passed away in 2016. Beautiful piano solos in each of the rubato passages signify the time her health was fading, to the time she passed, to final... view details
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Ascension Orchestra sheet music cover Ascension Orchestra sheet music cover
Ascension Ascension
Nicholas Maluf - Nicholas Maluf

This piece is a programatic telling of a climb. It can be Mount Everest, Olympus Mons, or, in the mythological world, Mount Olympus, Tower of Babel. Choir accompanies the challenge by saying simple phrases... view details
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Busted Jazz Ensemble sheet music cover Busted Jazz Ensemble sheet music cover
Busted Busted
Nick Maluf - Nicholas Maluf

A funk chart with a huge tenor sax solo! A catchy melody played by the saxophone section and accompanied by some cool trumpet countermelody and groove trombone rhythms! Check it out!... view details
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Moments Like This Jazz Ensemble sheet music cover Moments Like This Jazz Ensemble sheet music cover
Moments Like This Moments Like This ((Bass Trombone Feature))
Nicholas Maluf - Nicholas Maluf

A chart for the bass trombone, an instrument not usually in the spotlight. Begins with a conducted straight intro, leading to the bass trombone kicking off the swing feel with the melodic line.a Features a... view details
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