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Agnus Dei SSA choral sheet music cover Agnus Dei SSA choral sheet music cover
Agnus Dei Agnus Dei
Ivo Antognini - Mark Foster

In this a cappella setting by Swiss composer Ivo Antognini, the theme is presented three times, each with small variations. The melody is very singable, and at some moments sounds quite similar to gregorian

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Agnus Dei Part-Dominant MP3 Bundle SSA
La Mort des Amants SSAA choral sheet music cover La Mort des Amants SSAA choral sheet music cover
La Mort des Amants La Mort des Amants
Andrew Jacobson - Mark Foster

This beautiful and lamenting poem by French poet Charles Beaudelaire is captured in all of its sadness and intimacy allows treble choirs to flourish as they make this text their own. A detailed IPA and

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Listen SSAA choral sheet music cover Listen SSAA choral sheet music cover
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Dale Trumbore - Mark Foster

Contemporary poet Barbara Crooker understands nature and the life we draw from it. Contemporary poet Dale Trumbore understands that nature brings harmony to our lives and beauty to our existence. This... view details
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i carry your heart SSA choral sheet music cover i carry your heart SSA choral sheet music cover
i carry your heart i carry your heart
Dominick DiOrio - Mark Foster

A beautiful love poem is here set in a rhythmic and energetic fashion - the kind of energy brought to real romance and relationships. The melodies are angular and unsettled like a good marriage. And the

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